This command is used to make a pop-up box where you can type something into. Like you want 2 message boxes but don't want 2 input boxes but one so you say:
For example you want 2 or more things to have the same input at ones. After the = character comes the object you want it to be, and is pretty handy.
This command is used to set a variable, and the variable name can be anything actually. so if you take the command line ' InputBoxes for example it does nothing, so it is just for the person who examens the code a reminder This command is used to make a commend in the script. MsgBox 'Process Has Been Canceled', vbSystemModal, 'DDos Canceled' MsgBox 'DDosing Of ' + Contact + ' Is Done', 1024 + vbSystemModal, 'DDos Is Done' If MsgBox('Is WhatsApp Loaded?' & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & 'Press No To Cancel', vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbSystemModal, 'WhatsApp DDos') = vbYes Then Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell') If MsgBox('You've Filled It In Correctely', 1024 + vbSystemModal, 'WhatsApp DDos') = vbOk Then T = InputBox('How Many Times Needs It To Be Send?','WhatsApp DDos') Message = InputBox('What Is The Message?','WhatsApp DDos') (Here Is How The Code Supposed To Look) Bomb Whatsapp Code 2.0:Ĭontact = InputBox('Which Conctact Do You Want To DDos?', 'WhatsApp DDos')